25% Lifespan Increase by Eliminating Inflammatory Protein

25% Lifespan Increase by Eliminating Inflammatory Protein

In a groundbreaking study, researchers from Imperial College London and Duke-NUS Medical School in Singapore have discovered that blocking the inflammatory protein interleukin-11 (IL-11) can significantly extend lifespan in mice. This new research offers promising insights into combating aging and improving healthspan, the period of life spent in good health. Let's dive in:

The Study:

The study, published in Nature, demonstrated that inhibiting IL-11 in mice leads to remarkable health improvements and increased longevity. By using an anti-IL-11 antibody, researchers were able to enhance muscle function, reduce fat accumulation, and preserve telomere length and mitochondrial health. These interventions resulted in a lifespan extension of up to 25% in female mice and 22.4% in male mice.

Key Findings:

  1. Health Improvements:

    • Mice treated with the anti-IL-11 antibody showed significant health benefits, including enhanced muscle function and reduced fat accumulation.
    • The treated mice also exhibited better frailty scores, indicating improved overall health and resilience.
  2. Longevity Impact:

    • The intervention resulted in a lifespan extension of up to 25% in female mice and 22.4% in male mice.
    • The treated mice had fewer instances of cancer and other age-related diseases, showcasing the potential of IL-11 inhibition to improve healthspan and longevity.

Why This Matters:

Blocking IL-11 appears to address multiple aging pathways simultaneously, offering a comprehensive approach to combating aging. This discovery could pave the way for new treatments that not only extend lifespan but also enhance the quality of life in the elderly.

Future Implications:

The anti-IL-11 therapy is already in early-stage clinical trials for autoimmune diseases, indicating its potential for human applications. If proven effective in humans, this therapy could revolutionize aging research and treatment, providing a means to significantly extend healthy lifespans.


This breakthrough in longevity research highlights the potential of targeting inflammatory proteins like IL-11 to extend lifespan and improve healthspan. With ongoing research and clinical trials, there is hope that such treatments could soon be available.